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- FOCUS of God (fullness) →
- The New Generation against the new world order →
- FOCUS TVs and Radios meetings →
- FOCUS of God TVs and Radios →
- Why we Pray →
- Prayer of repentance to God the Father →
- Prayer of repentance to Word our Lord Jesus Christ →
- Prayer of repentance to God the Holy Spirit →
- Prayer of Warfare→
- Prayer to be Given→
- Prayer of fasting and supplication →
- Heavenly journey introductions →
- Removing seals from the book of God (Bible) →
- Spiritual transports →
- The 4th Heaven →
- The 1st Heaven →
- The 2nd Heaven
- The 3rd Heaven
- Above the Heavens (In the beginning with the Father)
- Heavenly Biblical journey repeats →
- The Call of Uganda to serve God →
- What can we do to fulfill our Call →
- The Book of Numbers of God →
- Order of the Call of Uganda →
- Positioning of the Armies of God →
- Holy Spirit working with holy angels →
- satan the accuser →
- Satan's devices against God and His Church →
- Satan's devices repeats→
- Personal schemes →
- God's plan against satan's devices from the year 2019 to 2022 →